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Efterspurgte oversættelser - Boricua86

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Søgeresultater 1 - 2 ud af ca. 2
Sprog, der skal oversættes fra
Serbisk Ali samo tebe tesko nagovorit ja to mislim da su...
Ali samo tebe tesko nagovorit ja to mislim da su upitanju godine haha opet ja za godine moram malo kad si se scipila kako oni kazu.
A neka si mi bila na moru nikako ti nisam reko bas mi je bilo drago kad si mi rekla i zasluzilasi i samo se bori za ono sto zelis bady i nakrajuces dobit.
A za mene se netrebas borit ja cu uvjek biti u srcu tvom a i ti u mom,bio ja ili nebi uz tebe niko nam nikad nece mocu uzet ono nase sto mi imamo ili sto smo imali!
To ce za uvjek da stoi tu kao i ti.
I would very much appreciate if this text could be translated from Serbian to English. It is an incerpt from an email my boyfriend wrote another woman, and I am very suspicious about the content and nature of their relationship. I was able to determine some words from an online translator, but there were many words I was unable to decipher. A thorough translation into US English will be very appreciated.

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Engelsk But only you are hard to cajole,...